Calendar Sharing


We have an office where people share read/write access to their calendars with each other. We are on Exchange 2010 and they are all using Outlook 2010.

While most people are doing this without a problem, there is one case that when person A attempts to grant person B calendar permissions, he is met with the error message:

One or more users cannot be added to the folder access list. Non-local users cannot be given rights on this server.

This is strange because both users are in the same domain and B has no trouble granting permissions to A.

I created an outlook profile on another computer and granted myself full access permissions to A's mailbox (with A's blessing) to replicate the problem. When I load their mailbox with my credentials on a new machine, I see the same problem. For some reason, when A views the GAL, it appears that B is a non-local user. Deleting and downloading a new OAB hasn't helped.

B appears local to everyone else.

What can cause this? What troubleshooting steps can I take to resolve it? Is there a setting in A's account that can cause this?

Best Answer

Found the problem.

About a dozen of our users had mailboxes of type SharedMailbox. Not sure how that happened or why it only affected one person but converting back to a regular UserMailbox resolved it.

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