Can a KVM switch be used while imaging machines


My office is about to be renovated, and we're trying to figure out how we can still be re-imaging 3+ workstations at a time with less than half of the space. One possibility we're toying with is using a KVM Switch to limit the desk space required.

Searching around to judge feasibility, I ran in to this message board post and not much else. We don't have a KVM available to us now to test it.

Is this possible? We image over PXE with SCCM (I think I'm wording that right, I'm a junior tech and don't get a lot of the more technical aspects explained in depth).


Best Answer

We used KVM's while imaging systems before deploying to classrooms without problem. The only thing that might cause an issue, depending on the hardware you're using, is detecting video if it reboots, but in that case you just tell it what to use when you get it hooked up to the final monitor or change settings later.