Can a Linux system crash cause network issues


I have a Ubuntu box in my network which crashed, all the system connected to the switch in which the Ubuntu system was connected started giving problem. I removed that system from the network, since that was the last change I made in my network and everything was fine. So, to confirm this I again connected the system back to the network and the same network outage happened.

When I checked the links it was fine. When I rebooted the problematic system and again connected back to the network switch everything started working.

I think possibly the crash of the Ubuntu system could have caused this outage.

Is there any possibility that a kernel crash can cause network issues?

Best Answer

There are a lot of ways. If the machine started spewing broadcast packets and the switch doesn't have broadcast rate-limiting, that would do it. If the machine started responding to DHCP requests, that would do it. If the machine assigned itself the same IP address as your router, that would do it.