Server RAM – Can a Server Have Too Much RAM? Optimal RAM Levels Explained


Recently, I had our server admin tell me that the new servers we'd ordered with 140GB of RAM on them had "too much" ram and that servers started to suffer with more than about 80GB, since that was "the optimal amount". Was he blowing smoke, or is there really a performance problem with more RAM than a certain level? I could see the argument – more for the OS to manage, etc – but is that legitimate, or will the extra breathing room more than make up for the management?

I'm not asking "Will I use it all" (it's a SQL Server cluster with dozens of instances, so I suspect I will, but that's not relevant to my question), but just whether too much can cause problems. I'd always assumed that more is better, but maybe there's a limit to that.

Best Answer

There are a few thresholds out there for 'too much', though they're special cases.

In 32-bit land, PAE is what allows you to access memory over the 4GB line. The theoretical max for 32-bit machines is 64GB of RAM, which reflects the extra 4 bits PAE gives memory addresses. 64GB is less than 80GB.

From there we get processor-specific issues. 64-bit processors currently use between 40 and 48 bits internally for addressing memory which gives a maximum memory limit of between 1TB and 256TB. Both way more than 80GB.

Unless he has some clear reasons for why SQL Server can't handle that much memory, the base OS and hardware can do so without breaking a sweat.