Can a Virtual HDD be shrink down

hard drivepartitionvirtual-machines

I have a Virtual machine and i am using VMWare Workstation to run it. The vmdk file, which is the virtual hard drive, is in excess of 40GB. When i start the virtual Machine i can see that i have only 2 Partions. One is a 6GB with Windows XP and the required software installed and the second partition is 3.91GB. This makes just less than 1GB of space in use while the other 30GB is not being used.

I am trying to find a way to shrink this VM HDD file down. I have tried to use the VM tools and another third party tool called Virtual Disk Factory. It might be the case that I am not doing it right.

I would be very much grateful if I can have some help on this matter,

Best Answer

One more alternative is to use the vCenter converter. There is a standalone version that is a free (registration required) download. You can "convert" a VM to the same or other formats, and in the same process you can make modifications such as the size of the virtual disk as long as you leave enough room for the current contents.

I found this when trying to shrink a VD that the virtual disk manager would not allow me to shrink and it worked like a champ.