Can “Automatically update e-mail addresses based on e-mail address policy” delete e-mail addresses


When editing a mailbox's e-mail addresses in the Exchange 2010 Management Console I see the checkbox:

enter image description here

My only e-mail address policy defines email addresses like If I edit a mailbox to add an alias e-mail address that doesn't conform to this policy (such as is there:

  1. An action I might later take (such as re-apply an e-mail address policy), or
  2. An event that might happen on its own (like something that would happen during an Exchange update rollup or the like)

that would remove or otherwise delete the non-conforming e-mail alias I added to the mailbox?

Best Answer

If you don't uncheck the "Automatically update e-mail addresses based on e-mail address policy" then the next time the policy takes affect it would overwrite your custom address you set IF this is the primary SMTP address you are editing.

You'll need to uncheck it on that mailbox and manually control its email addresses going forward IF it is the Primary address you are wanting to change.

enter image description here