AWS – Can Different AWS Accounts Manage Different Subdomains


I have two AWS accounts. The master account with as a Hosted Zone, this then has a number of record sets (i.e. and

A second account will be managing as a Hosted Zone, with the same set of record sets (i.e. and

How to I tell the master account to refer requests for down to the child account.
I don't want to change the master account as I want to use the same Cloud Formation templates in both 'Live' and 'Test'.

I've set the two up as above and it does not work ( does not resolve). I've also tried setting the ns record in the master account to the one specified in the child account(1). Alas this is not something I've done before and Google searches are not returning anything.

1) I messed this up, and this is the answer. See below.

Best Answer

How to I tell the master account to push requests for down to the child account.

The requests are referred, not pushed, but you can achieve the desired outcome by delegating the subdomain to a different set of Route 53 servers from those that host the parent zone.

Look at the new hosted zone you created for This can be in the same AWS account, a different AWS account... any AWS account. There's nothing here that is "account" related. This uses standard DNS configuration. The whole of DNS is a hierarchy. The global root can tell you where to find com, and the com servers can tell you where to find, and it's nothing materially different for to tell you where to find instead of giving you a direct answer.

Note the 4 name servers that Route 53 assigned to the hosted zone. Verify that they are all different than the ones assigned to the hosted zone. (For any of them to be the same should be impossible, but verify this.)

Now, back in the zone, create a new resource record, with hostname testing, using record type NS, and enter the 4 name servers that Route 53 assigned to, in the box below.

Now, when a request for and anything below it arrives at one of the Route 53 servers handling, the reply will not be the answer from -- the reply will provide the requester with the 4 NS records associated with and an answer equivalent to "I don't know, but try asking one of these guys."

That's how it's done.

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