Can different drive speeds and sizes be used in a hardware RAID configuration w/o affecting performance


Specifically, I have a RAID 1 array configuration with two 500gb 7200rpm SATA drives mirrored as logical drive 1 (a) and two of the same mirrored as logical drive 2 (b). I'd like to add two 1tb 5400rpm drives in the same mirrored fashion as logical drive 3 (c). These drives will only serve as file storage with occasional but necessary access, and therefore, space is more important than speed.

In researching whether this configuration is doable, I've been told and have read that the array will only see the smallest drive size and slowest speed. However, my understanding is that as long as the pairs themselves aren't mixed (and in this case, they aren't) that the array should view and use all drives at their actual speed and size.

I'd like to be sure before purchasing the additional drives. Insight anyone?

Best Answer

You will be constrained by the slowest speed and smallest size for disks in the same RAID group. Since you're talking about having three separate mirrors, this doesn't apply to you. Each mirrored pair is a separate array/group/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. You'll end up with three logical volumes, two with 500GB and the other with 1TB with no performance hit to the 7200 RPM disks.