Can DPM 2010 backup Exchange 2007 LCR enabled storage groups


My organization is currently evaluating DPM 2010 RC for backing up Exchange 2007 storage groups. When selecting group members from the "Create New Protection Group" dialog, the only storage groups that render selectable are those that do not have LCR enabled. Does DPM 2010 support backing up Exchange 2007 LCR enabled storage groups?

Here's our environment:

  • Single Exchange Server
  • LCR enabled for all exchange databases
  • Windows Server 2008 SP2
  • Exchange 2007 SP2, Rollup 2
  • All databases hosted from a SAN array

Best Answer

DPM 2010 absolutely does support Exchange 2007 LCR storage groups. Here are a couple leads to get you started troubleshooting: (written for DPM 2007 but the issues are exactly the same in 2010)

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