Can freeradius bypass authentication for one realm only


I have a question similar to this one, but without the VLAN complications. How can(?) I configure FreeRadius 1.x to allow any combination of username/password for one realm only?

If FreeRadius 1.x does not provide this ability, does the 2.x line do so? Does some other RADIUS server have this ability? If so, I could configure this realm to proxy to the ..more tolerant… RADIUS server.

Best Answer

I'm not sure about the RADIUS part, but rest should work.

From FreeRADIUS documentation, use PAM for this realm only, specify pam-auth type:

DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name ="somehunt", Auth-Type=PAM, Pam-Auth="radhunt", Simultaneous-Use=1

and then add radhunt file to /etc/pam.d/ with this contents:

auth    required
account required
session required