Can high packet loss mean users cannot access the website


A quick question. I tested my domain using the following site

It showed high packet loss in all countries. Packet loss of 70-100%
Does this mean my site is loading slow or not loading at all to users in those countries?

Best Answer

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: It Depends.

Zero is the only acceptable amount of packet loss.
Packet loss > 0 indicates a problem somewhere that needs to be investigated.

A little packet loss (<5%, occasionally) may make websites slow (from retransmission delays or lost DNS queries), but your average user probably won't notice.

Moderate packet loss (up to 10%, happening semi-regularly) will often be noticeable. The website will be "slow".

High packet loss (>10%, semi-regularly / constantly) will infuriate your users. The website will take a long time to load, or may not load at all. It will probably be so painfully slow that people stop visiting.

You are not experiencing "high" packet loss -- you're experiencing EXTREME packet loss (70+% of what your sending never gets where it's going -- If UPS worked that way you'd never ship anything with them again).
I would expect NOTHING to work with packet loss as extreme as what you're claiming -- you are effectively not connected to the internet.

My advice to you is to remedy the packet loss situation (i.e. "Find a new provider").
What you're describing is totally unacceptable.