Can ping out but not in


What are some of the causes of not being able to ping a server?

I have a windows 2003 box that I can remote into but I cannot ping it.

What I have checked is:

  • The server can ping my desktop
  • Windows firewall is configured to allow ICMP responses
  • I've turned the firewall off/on
  • I've started/stoped/restarted the "Windows Firewall/Internet connection sharing" service
  • I've tried combos of both (service off, firewall on; both on; both off; etc)

Any other thoughts? I am part of the server group and the networking guys have assured me that the network firewall is not blocking the ICMP requests or replys.

Best Answer

Apparently, something on the network is blocking ICMP echo requests or responses.

You can try a tracert to a remote IP instead, and see where that stops working.