Can ping websites but unable to view them


Windows Server 2003 32-bit.

We have moved the server from one office to another, with a new external IP address.

The firewall/router is fine as we can connect a laptop to it with a static IP address and get straight out onto the internet.

However, the server is unable to open webpages – regardless of what browser we try.

We can ping external IP addresses okay and we can ping hostnames, which resolve to the respective external IP addresses okay.

The server has been restarted a number of times and we have also checked the specific cable going into the back of the server with a laptop. We also tested the other network card (of 2) with no success.

Any ideas(?) as we are really stuck!

Best Answer

That's a bit odd. I wonder if your firewall / router has some ACLs that are only applying to the IP address assigned to the server computer.

I'd try something like:


First and see if you even get a TCP connection. If you get a blank window w/ a blinking cursor, type "GET / HTTP/1.0" (w/o quotes, and it won't echo) and press <ENTER> twice. See if you get back a response.

Set the server computer's IP address to the one that worked on the laptop computer. If it doesn't work, at that point, you'll have ruled out everything except for software on the server computer itself.

Edit: Okay-- I see in your comment on another post that you tried a laptop w/ the same IP that's currently assigned to the server and the laptop worked fine. That does sound like something is up w/ the server computer, then.

How did that TELNET do? That's going to isolate the problem to either the TCP/IP stack or the browser, depending on if the TELNET works or not.

When you open a browser and it's "trying to connect" run a "NETSTAT -a -n" and look for TCP connections outbound to port 80. I'd be interested to see if it's even trying to make an outbound connection or not.