Can Salt (Saltstack) gather and relay data for Graphite, Ganglia, or Zenoss


I'm starting a new project and considering using Ansible or Salt for deployment automation and, perhaps, more sophisticated orchestration (server management and federation).

With Salt I'm wondering if there's any integration between it and Graphite or Zenoss or Ganglia … using the Salt 0mq connections to relay the data from the Salt "minions" to the monitoring/graphing database/collectors.

Has anyone else looked at this?

Best Answer

i used salt-stack for over 6 Month now to manage 40+ nodes.

in My current setup i use:

  • Icinga as Monitoring Server
  • NRPE for executing the checks on the Nodes
  • graphite collects the data from the collectd nodes
  • collectd for collecting and pushing metrics to graphite
  • gdash for a nice Dashboard to visualize the grahite metrics
  • salt-stack and finally salt-stack to roll out the configs for NRPE / Collectd on each node

als this runs under CentOS 6.x

my expierience so far is that salt-stack is good to enroll everything. But as long term runing Daemon on the nodes, its not stable.

i have often problems with not reaching the master or memory bloating of on the salt-minions. This can be fixed with and easy workaround that you restart every 24hours/onceaweek the salt-minions.

but this problem in salt-minion makes it not usable to collect data over the 0mq Framework.

my current setup runs safe. I can enroll changes pretty quick with salt-stack and collectd on the nodes does the trick.

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