How to Create Certificate Sign Request (CSR) Using HSM


Can I generate a CSR using HSM? If Yes, then Please guide us. It would be very helpful.

Following are our system details:

  • We have HSM(SafeNet) Simulator to test developement application.
  • we are using Cryptoki.dll with Desktop based application to perform
    crypto operation.

Now we want to know whether HSM can generate CSR or Not? If yes, then how?

Best Answer

I did research & followed PKCS #11 OASIS document standard:

Finally, I am able to manage Certificate Request (CSR) from HSM.

Following are the steps to achieve the same:

  1. Generate Key Pair (Private, Public)
  2. Derive Key(C_DeriveKey) from public key and give followings attribute:
    • Mechanism - ENCODE_PKCS_10 (Certificate Request)
    • Signing Key (Private Key)
    • Signing Mechanism - SHA1_RSA_PKCS
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