Can Windows Server 2012 run as a guest VM under Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V Host


Can Windows Server 2012 run as a guest virutal machine under a Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V host? If so, are there any important or notable restrictions on what the guest OS can do running in this scenario?

I've got a lab PC with lots of VMs running as guests on a W2K8R2 Hyper-V server. I don't do anything too exotic with the VMs, basically just running tests of my application software installations. I'd be looking for IIS, COM+ and general WinForms installation functionality.

Can I create a Windows Server 2012 guest VM to run in my environment or do I need to upgrade my lab PC to run Server 2012 Hyper-V in order to support a Server 2012 guest?

Best Answer

According to this MS KB article it is possible but may thow some warning messages here and there.