Can you setup a whitelist for allowed files in Amazon CloudFront

amazon ec2amazon-cloudfrontamazon-web-services

I'm using CloudFront as a CDN, and my website as an origin for pulls. Basically, I have pointing over to Cloudfront, and Cloudfront pulls any requests from However, I don't want users to be able to request things like or In fact, I only want to serve up images, JavaScript files, CSS stylesheets, and other static content.

What I've figured out is somewhat of a hack, though it appears to work. I set the Default behavior to point to an Origin called Null. The Null origin points to which doesn't exist, thus any request will just error out. Then, I setup other behaviors for each directory in my website that I want to whitelist. It looks like this:

enter image description here

This appears to work, but is there a better, less hacky solution that I'm missing?

Best Answer

Yes, a less hacky approach is to just put your static files into an S3 bucket and use the S3 bucket as the origin pull. Leave your webserver out of it altogether.