Cannot block port 389


I have been trying to completely shut down port 389 on windows firewall. I went into the firewall and added a rule stating to block ALL connections for TCP and UDP for the port 389(Inbound and Outbound)

But it still seems to be listening and using this port.

I have multiple IP's using this server.

Best Answer

For blocking rules make sure to

  • select all Domain, Private and Public under Advanced > Profiles
  • keep Remote port to "All Ports" for Inbound rules
  • keep Local port to "All Ports" for Outbound rules

As @RyanBolger mentioned listeners aren't affected by this but you can easily check actual connectivity by launching powershell on a different computer:

Test-NetConnection -Port 389
TcpTestSucceeded       : False

If TcpTestSucceeded shows false, you're fine.