Cannot copy password to remote console using mstsc.exe

mstscremote desktop

I am running Windows Vista Business Edition and I am trying to connect to Windows Server 2003 Web Edition using Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc.exe). When the remote computer asks for the user name and password the clipboard doesn't work (in both directions). After logging in the clipboard works fine. Since we are using long passwords this is really annoying.

Do you have any idea how I may tweak the settings to allow copying user name and password to remote console during logging in process?

Best Answer

There is no way to do what you want using RDP. Clipboard support is handled through a side channel in the RDP stream and requires support from the remote end. In Microsoft's RDP implementation, that support is provided by the usermode rdpclip.exe process, which is started by winlogon.exe - obviously only once you're already logged in. splattne's answer is the only way to do it.

You could try to find (or write :D) an alternative RDP client which does what you want, but AFAIK there is none available at the moment.