Cannot create KDS Root Key – “Request is not supported”


I have a Windows Server 2012 domain controller (sole DC and first computer in the domain) all freshly built and all up to date. I'm trying to create a group Managed Service Account (gmsa) which requires a KDS Root Key first. I launch the Active Directory Module for Windows Powershell using Run as Administrator and issue the following:

Add-KDSRootKey -EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-11))

I get an error "The request is not supported".

If I change it to -EffectiveImmediately, I get the same error.

The KDS cmdlets are installed

and I can use them to list keys (empty) and view configuration – I just can't seem to add a KDS root key. I've struggled with this for two days now – any suggestions?

Best Answer

FYI for anyone finding this question in the future. I was able to resolve it like this:

  • (1) Log on to another non-DC in the domain
  • (2) Log on as a domain admin
  • (3) Install/add the RSAT tools (the AD ones in particular)
  • (4) Launch the PowerShell AD tool
  • (5) Run the Add-KDSRootKey from the new machine.

Hope this helps someone