Cannot Get Ported Over Website to New Win2008 Server to Launch

iis-7visual studio 2010windows-server-2008

We have an old Windows 2003 server that we are shutting down soon.

I am a C# Software Developer, so I use IIS a little. Everyone else here is Apache, so this job is falling on me.

I've got IIS7 installed, and I used Visual Studio 2010 to copy the web application to the E: drive of our new server.

I've got the Default Web Site stopped and our web application loaded up as one of the sites and turned on.

But, when I try to Browse Web Site, all I get is "This page can't be displayed"

I understand some things about IIS, but mostly from a developer's point of view – not an administrators.

Could someone give me pointers on what to look for to get this going?


IIS7 asked what Host name I wanted to give it under the bindings. I used the Server's IP Address, then gave it (where is our company's website), but when I try to ping that, I get that ping could not find it.


I get the feeling that this is something simple like a DNS issue, but I don't know how to resolve that.

Do I need to add this server to our DNS server?


I deleted the Host name in the Bindings, and now the page displays fine:

sc binding

I just need to find a way to map the IP address to a Hostname on our DNS server.

Best Answer

Check the bindings on the new website. Is it bound to port 80?

If you re-enable the default website can you browse it?

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