Oracle 11g – Fix ORA-28001 Error in Enterprise Manager


I can no longer log into Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g. I get this error message:

ORA-28001: the password has expired (DBD ERROR: OCISessionBegin)

I could log into the server using SQLPlus. I warned me that the password was going to expire in 7 days (which is not the same as being already expired). Following advice from several documents, I ran these commands from SQLPlus:

ALTER USER sys IDENTIFIED BY new_password;
ALTER USER system IDENTIFIED BY new_password;

SQL*Plus no longer warns about passwords, but I still cannot use the Enterprise Manager. Then I followed this to remove password expiration:

LIMIT password_life_time UNLIMITED

And I've also restarted the Oracle services. In case it was using cached credentials, I've tried to connect from several browsers in several computers.

No way: I still get ORA-28001 in Enterprise Manager. What am I missing?

Update: Some more info

SQL> select username,ACCOUNT_STATUS,EXPIRY_DATE from dba_users;

USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS                   EXPIRY_D
------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------
MGMT_VIEW                      OPEN
SYS                            OPEN
SYSTEM                         OPEN
DBSNMP                         EXPIRED                          24/05/10
SYSMAN                         EXPIRED                          24/05/10
OUTLN                          EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
FLOWS_FILES                    EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09

USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS                   EXPIRY_D
------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------
MDSYS                          EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
ORDSYS                         EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
EXFSYS                         EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
WMSYS                          EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
WKSYS                          EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
WK_TEST                        EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
CTXSYS                         EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
ANONYMOUS                      EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
XDB                            EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
WKPROXY                        EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
ORDPLUGINS                     EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09

USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS                   EXPIRY_D
------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------
FLOWS_030000                   EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
OWBSYS                         EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA             EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
OLAPSYS                        EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
SCOTT                          EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
ORACLE_OCM                     EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
TSMSYS                         EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
XS$NULL                        EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
BI                             EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
PM                             EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
MDDATA                         EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09

USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS                   EXPIRY_D
------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------
IX                             EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
SH                             EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
DIP                            EXPIRED & LOCKED
OE                             EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
APEX_PUBLIC_USER               EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
HR                             EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
SPATIAL_CSW_ADMIN_USR          EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
SPATIAL_WFS_ADMIN_USR          EXPIRED & LOCKED                 16/11/09
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