Cannot restore duplicity backup


I've created a backup of my home folder, to a remote system, using duplicity 0.6.26:

duplicity --no-compression --no-encryption . scp://...

while being in the home folder.

Now I seem to be unable to restore the backup. I've copied everything from the remote server to a local directory, and I've got a files that look like:

$ ls

I can list the contents of the backup:

$ duplicity list --no-encryption --no-compression file:///Users/user/Backup/
Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed.
Last full backup date: Fri Oct  2 20:57:40 2015
Fri Oct  2 20:57:38 2015 .
Fri Oct 17 21:01:31 2014 .CFUserTextEncoding
Fri Oct  2 20:19:07 2015 .DS_Store
Fri May 22 09:13:51 2015 .PyCharm40
Fri May 22 10:30:21 2015 .PyCharm40/restart
Wed May 13 19:15:04 2015 .PyCharm40/restart/restarter
Fri Oct  2 20:45:37 2015 .Trash

but when trying to restore, I get "No files found in archive - nothing restored."

$ duplicity restore --no-encryption --no-compression file:///Users/user/Backup/ /tmp/P
Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed.
Last full backup date: Fri Oct  2 20:57:40 2015
No files found in archive - nothing restored.

What can I do to recover the files?

Best Answer

It seems that the .difftar files were compressed after all. Restoring worked after renaming them to .difftar.gz. Must be a bug in duplicity.