Cannot run mod_wsgi on Apache 2.4 x64 Windows


I have a Apache 2.2 installation with a site on Django. I load module in my Apache config. Now I'm trying to migrate onto Apache 2.4 and have difficulties with WSGI.

First of all: my server is on Windows 2008R2 (x64).

I setup Apache 2.4 x64 ( from Apache Lounge)
Then I downloaded mod_wsgi binary from – I took mod_wsgi‑‑amd64‑ as Apache is x64 and my Python is 2.6.

In conf/httpd.conf I have

LoadModule mod_wsgi modules/

I'm getting error when run httpd.exe:

httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 179 of C:/Prog/Apache24/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load modules/ into server
: The specified module could not be found.

If I replace with x86 version then I'll get other error about incorrect bitness, so the module seems to try be loaded.
I have all vsredist (2008/9,20010/10,2012/11) installed.

What's wrong?

Best Answer

In my case the problem was wyth Python - it's x86 while everithing else is x64 (thanks to

Also the module import should be (thanks to Can't locate API module structure `mod_wsgi')

LoadModule wsgi_module modules/


LoadModule mod_wsgi modules/