Cannot start/stop Websphere from the First Steps Window


When attempting to start or stop a Websphere 7 service from the First Steps window it fails with the following error;

Cannot run program "C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\WASService.exe": CreateProcess error=740, The requested operation requires elevation

What is causing this and how do you work around the problem?
The command is run by a user who has administrator rights.

Best Answer

Please post whole log. Are you able to start/stop service manually from windows services or by running startServer.bat server_name command for /bin directory? When service is created properly, you should get info that windows service is gonna be started as well. Does windows os log (Event Viewer) say anything? Dr. Watsons logs? Doeas this probrem appears only when u start it from First Steps? And finally, were you trying to recreate windows service using WASService.exe? Regards