Can’t access ASA website to download ASDM launcher


Hoping someone can give me a pointer on here. I recently took a new position and am currently trying to learn the new system. I'm having trouble getting to ASDM and have Googled plenty to no avail.

I can access the ASA via Putty/SSH and see in the config that http server enable is there. One of the networks allowed is the network I'm currently in. My boss can get to it successfully from the same network.

At my previous job I used this all the time and never had any issues, and from what I can tell everything is set up similarly.

When I attempt to get to https://x.x.x.x I get "Connection Refused". It doesn't specify a different port when I do the Sh Run so I believe it is still set to 443.

Any suggestions? Thanks ahead of time!

Best Answer

Please check your Java version. If you already have Java 7u51 you need ASDM 7.1.5-100. Downgrade to Java 7u45 for older ASDM versions. In Java 7u51 only WebStart is supported.