Can’t access secure site using Windows Authentication from server 2012


I apologize if this is the wrong site for this question, but I honestly don't know what component of this setup is causing the problem.

I have a server running Windows Server 2012. It is running TFS 2013 and SQL Server 2012. Everything is set up and appears to be working properly (ie developers can access TFS through Visual Studio). The server is positioned behind a Cisco ASA and has a translation for port 80 and port 443. As stated, I am able to access TFS from either inside the firewall or outside the firewall. I am also able to access TFS through its web interface from either inside or outside using the proper URL (https://tfs.xxxxxxx/tfs). However, when I attempt to access the TFS server from the machine on which it is installed, I always receive a 401.1 error. In viewing the IIS logs for that site, it doesn't appear that the username and password are ever passed to the site for proper authentication. Or at least the username is never logged. I have tried adding the site to trusted sites within IE, turning off IE Enhanced Security Configuration and installing Chrome and none of these options have worked. At this point, I don't even have any idea what component is failing so I don't have any idea where to look next. Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Could be the infamous Loopback check. See KB 896861 and this post for a step by step guide.