Can’t access server running CentOS 6.3 in vmware


I just installed CentOS on a vmware machine that uses a bridged connection, installed apache, php and mysql, but when I run service httpd start I get a warning(?):

Starting httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using localhost.localdomain for ServerName

I can connect to the server using putty, so I really have no idea why it won't load in the browser.


Httpd starts successfully, return [ OK ]. Running netstat -tuplen | grep :80 yields:

tcp   0   0 :::80     :::*     LISTEN    0     40392   15894/httpd

I am able to connect with putty to, but browser says can't connect to

Best Answer

I'll hazard a guess that you have default rules blocking port 80 in iptables.

Verify with iptables -L - there probably isn't a rule allowing the port 80 traffic.

Use iptables -I INPUT -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT to allow the traffic, and service iptables save to make the change persistent.