Can’t access VirtualBox host-only network from windows host


I've got two vms running on a windows host, each with a host-only network and ips in the 192.168.56.XXX range. One of them is running apache and serving some content that I want to access from my windows host.

However, the windows host can't access the apache server at all. The server is running on ipconfig from windows says it's ip for the Virtual Box interface is I tried route add to route 192.168.56.XX traffic, but everything I tried didn't work and I was probably using it wrong.

Any ideas on how to make this work?

Best Answer

If you want to communicate with your VMs with 192.168.56.XXX IP, you need the host Virtual Box interface to have an IP on the same range. Your interface don't (169.254).

On a fresh installation of VBox 3.1.8, it creates a new interface named "VirtualBox Host-Only Network" with a static IP address of :

Your interface is most probably misconfigured to use DHCP. Change it to use with netmask and it should work.