Can’t attach iSCSI with multipathing in Citrix XenServer


Dear people of the world.

I have a problem reattaching an iSCSI target on XenServer after a reboot.

Whenever I try, I get several errors. Here's me in the attach screen on the redundant storage after it failed to reconnect:

So it found the Target IQN and Target LUN, but after I click on Finish, I get the following error:

Scanning for LVM over iSCSI SRs on

Logging in to the iSCSI target failed. Check your username and password.

Check your settings and try again.

Funny thing is that I disabled CHAP on the Target in Synology.

Even after removing the storage in Xen, then trying to connect again, the same error.

If I disable multipathing I can attach it just fine. But if I enable multipathing, I get the errors.
Does anyone know why?

Best Answer

Have you granted your servers access to the LUN's from the SAN? For my SAN I had to log into the management console, create a hostgroup (ex: named it 'blade-servers'), mapped the necessary LUNs to the hostgroup then added each individual server as a host to the host group. I could see the ISCSI IQN for each server I wanted to allow access to my LUNs.

But you're environment could be entirely different. What kind of SAN are you working with?

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