Can’t connect through RDP with enterprise Admin


I have a Windows Server 2008 as part of a win2008 domain.

I can connect to it as the local admin with no problems.

But when I try to connect to it as the Enterprise Admin, it says that i have the wrong credentials. I can connect locally with the same credentials and experience no problems.

I Included said enterprise admin to the remote desktop user group but no luck.

I am trying to use only one concurrent user so my guess is that it's not a limit problem.



The following is an error from a MACOSX RDP Client, but the same exact error shows on MSTSC.exe both in win7 and win8.1

I also tried as suggested:

And the same results appear.

What is getting me confused is that if I login "Physically" with the same credentials, I can login and do my job.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

You can't connect locally with the same credentials because the local and domain users are different users. If you don't specify the domain when logging on with the Administrator user account then Windows will "assume" the local Administrator user account.

Log on with ADdomain\Administrator to log on with the domain Administrator account

Log on with Administrator or .\Administrator to log on with the local Administrator account