Can’t Connect to Default Admin Share on Windows Server 2008 – Fixes


I have a Windows 2008 Server that I'm trying to connect to the default administrative share


I can connect to it using the default Administrator account. But if I try to connect using my user account that is a member of the Administrators group, I can't. What am I missing?

Best Answer

Yes, UAC is set up to not allow access to default shares remotely. To enable, create the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy DWORD value at this key in the registry


0 - build filtered token (Remote UAC enabled)
1 - build elevated token (Remote UAC disabled)

By setting the DWORD entry to 1, you will be able to access the administrative shares since the remote logon token will not be filtered.

This is discussed in this KB article, (It's for Vista but it applies to Windows Server 2008 R2)