Can’t convert virtual machine from ESXi to Hyper-V 2012 R2


I have a VMWare ESXi 5.5 Server and a Hyper-V 2012 R2 Core server (called Lithium) in a WORKGROUP. My Windows 8.1 machine is in the same WORKGROUP. I am trying to convert a VM from the ESXi host to the Hyper-V host using Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter (MVMC).

I want the destination to be a share on the Hyper-V host called \Lithium\Machines. I have tested that my account has write permissoins to this share from my workstation but I get this error in MVMC

enter image description here

I created the share with this command on the Hyper-V host:

PS C:\Users\mark> new-smbshare -Name Machines -Path "C:\Users\Public\Documents\H
yper-V\Virtual Hard Disks" -FullAccess LITHIUM\Mark, LITHIUM\Administrator

and it was created fine:

PS C:\Users\mark> get-smbshare -name machines | ft -auto

Name     ScopeName Path                                                 Descrip
----     --------- ----                                                 -------
Machines *         C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks

Any ideas what's wrong?

Best Answer

Looks like you set the share permissions, but not the NTFS permissions. You need to do both.