Can’t copy files on windows

network-sharewindows 10

I've a client, for which I've instantiated a shared folder on Windows 10, I showed him how to manage permissions etc.. The problem is that I'm going to make hardware changes, and I want to copy the data to another driver. When I try to copy some files I get you this error:

"You need permissions from admin to make changes to ****" - or something similar

The problem is that I'm admin. The first thing I've tried is taking ownership of the files, this didn't work. The second thing I tried is running file explorer as administrator, this didn't work also. The admin account has all permissions allowed and none denied. Any ideas what may be wrong?
here is what I get from the command line:
1. Navigate to the share


after that I'm using "cd" to get to the directory containing the file, them

E:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3>copy "FileName.max" "F:\Folder1\Folder2\Folder3\FileName.max"
Access is denied.
        0 file(s) copied.

I'm running cmd as administartor
Note that I've changed the names of the directories and the file name for privacy reasons.

Best Answer

Try to use procmon tool from SysInternals Suite, while you trying to copy this file. This should give you hint what permissions are required to copy this file.

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