Can’t find dhcp configuration file


I've installed dhcp server on my ubuntu natty (11.04) by typing this:
sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server
but, I can't locate the dhcp configuration file (dhcpd.conf) in /etc/dhcp3/ or in /etc/dhcp/

and, when i try to run the service by typing
/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start
it comes : No such file or directory

Where can I locate the dhcp configuration file?
And, what should I do to start the dhcp service?


Best Answer

The package isc-dhcp-server is provided by the generic dhcp-server package, so the init-script you are looking for is /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server. The configuration file should be under /etc/dhcp, according to the package list here