Can’t get puppet to enable apache mods


I want to use puppet to install apache and enable some modules so I installed the puppetlabs/apache module and tried to use it.

Apache installs fine but the modules aren't enabled at all. I tried it like it is described in the readme

class { 'apache': }
class { 'apache::mod::ssl': }
class { 'apache::mod::fcgid': }
class { 'apache::mod::suexec': }

and also like this

include apache
a2mod { "Enable ssl":
    name => "ssl",
    ensure => "present"

Neither are the modules installed (libapache2-mod-fcgid, apache2-suexec) nor are they enabled.

Server is Ubuntu 12.04

UPDATE: --debug output

/Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Suexec/Apache::Mod[suexec]/Package[apache2-suexec]/require: requires Package[httpd]
/Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Suexec/Apache::Mod[suexec]/Package[apache2-suexec]/before: requires A2mod[suexec]
/Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Fcgid/Apache::Mod[fcgid]/A2mod[fcgid]/require: requires Package[httpd]
/Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Fcgid/Apache::Mod[fcgid]/A2mod[fcgid]/notify: subscribes to Service[httpd]
/Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Suexec/Apache::Mod[suexec]/A2mod[suexec]/require: requires Package[httpd]
/Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Suexec/Apache::Mod[suexec]/A2mod[suexec]/notify: subscribes to Service[httpd]
/Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Ssl/Apache::Mod[ssl]/A2mod[ssl]/require: requires Package[httpd]
/Stage[main]/Apache::Mod::Ssl/Apache::Mod[ssl]/A2mod[ssl]/notify: subscribes to Service[httpd]

UPDATE: required packages for fcgid and suexec are installed now and the fcgid mod is even enabled, but suexec and ssl mods stay disabled.

Best Answer

I ran into the same problem and finally gave the example42/apache module a try instead. Works like a charm.

In my case:

class { "apache": }

apache::module { 'ldap':
        install_package => false,
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