Can’t get SmarterMail to work on fresh Windows 2008 server


Really having trouble with this, I've been through all the guides I can find and get stuck, using latest version of Smartermail 8 on Windows 2008 with IIS7.5.

I have it setup so I can SEND emails fine, and login etc, but it just wont RECEIVE emails. I always get this back:

Technical details of permanent
failure: Google tried to deliver your
message, but it was rejected by the
recipient domain. We recommend
contacting the other email provider
for further information about the
cause of this error. The error that
the other server returned was: 550 550
5.7.1 Unable to relay for (state 14).

I followed this guide:

And got these results, which make little sense to me. I've also included some images of my setup, if someone can spot the obvious fault?

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

When I do:
netstat -abnp tcp

I get only one listening on port 25:


My smartermail web server config is set to all IP addresses on port 9998, I've tried 25 as well but not luck. SMTP service is stopped in services as well.

Any help greatly appreciated, I don't understand much of this.


Is this now correct?
enter image description here

Update 2

MX records look like they are set up correctly. Still it's bouncing with same message.

Some people say I need to disable SMTP Service, others say leave it running. When I:

telnet 25 I get the response 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service This is with the SMTP service running.

When SMTP service is NOT running I get the response:

Could not open connection to the host, on port 25

When I netstat -abnp tcp I get TCP LISTENING [MailService.exe]

Best Answer

Here's what it looks like you need based upon a little digging around...

  1. You may need to update your A Record for It looks like it is currently identifying, while it seems that your mail server is on (based upon your example/description and port scanning/direct connecting).

  2. You might also consider consider setting up a MX Record for your domain, as there does not currently appear to be one.

Those two steps should get inbound mail flowing for your domain if SmarterMail 8 is indeed running on