Jenkins Installation – Troubleshooting Second Time Installation Issues


I'm making first steps with Jenkins.

It successfully installed the first time, but after adding GitHub access token and credentials and the following restart I could not log in.

To resolve that I disabled security, but was not able to create a new user (did not to work with security disabled), and after half-hour googling and struggle I decided to uninstall Jenkins, delete Jenkins data (from C:\Users\MY_USER\AppData\Local\Jenkins and C:\Program Files\Jenkins).

After uninstallation, I tried to install Jenkins again – it could not complete installation as it could not start the service. I realized that Jenkins service was still running.

So I deleted the content of both above-mentioned folders again, restarted windows, made sure there is no Jenkins service anymore and tried installation again.

Same problem: Jenkins can't start the service. I even tried to launch installer under Admin, the result is the same:

Service 'Jenkins' (Jenkins) failed to start. Verify that you have
sufficient privileges to start system services.

Question: What is the problem and how can I install Jenkins?

P.S. Jenkins version I'm trying to use is 2.273 and installing Jenkins under 'Admin' user

Best Answer

Don't know what was the cause of the problem, but the way I resolved it was:

  • Initiate installation again and come to the point when installer complains about inability to start the service
  • Once got the error message:
    • go to Windows Services and find Jenkins service
    • go to its Properties, open "Log On" tab
    • switch "Log on as" to "Local System account" (in my case it was specified account)
    • save changes by clicking "OK"
    • right click on Jenkins service again and "Start" it manually.