Can’t install VM using virt-install


I use this command:

virt-install -r 1024 --vcpus=2 --accelerate --nographics -n test -f test.img --cdrom /iso/CentOS.iso

but I doesn't show the text based install:

boot: linux text
Loading vmlinuz.................................
Loading initrd.img..............................................................

It hangs at Ready.ÿ

any ideas?


Best Answer

--graphics none SHOULD work.

By default RHEL bootup grub chooses graphical install mode if adapter is present. To use text mode installation "text" or "askmethod" must be specified in kernel options i.e. grub and it doesn't matter do you have text console or not. It's impossible to specify kernel options at installation for virt-install. It's possible for normal bootup, but not cd:

--boot kernel=KERNEL,initrd=INITRD,kernel_args="console=/dev/ttyS0"

The best solution is to use PXE bootup - there you can have your own boot menu and settings, but again "--graphics none" should work, but looks like in some circumstances some guys are experiencing problems: KVM Guest installed from console. But how to get to the guest's console?