Can’t ping or traceroute through AWS IPSec VPN


My VPC is connected to my premises via IPSec VPN, tunnel is shown to be UP on AWS console.

Things that work:

  • I can see the traffic from my premises (subnet to AWS VPC ( on VPC flowlogs, marked as accepted.

  • When I do a tcp dump of the ICMP traffic on terminal using sudo tcpdump -i eth0 icmp and icmp[icmptype]=icmp-echo , I do see the ping:

06:32:13.446579 IP ip-192-168-234-254.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal > graylog: ICMP echo request, id 17473, seq 18722, length 44 .

  • I can get ping replies when I ping the AWS instance using its public IP, from everywhere.
  • I can get ping replies when I ping the AWS instance using its private IP from another AWS instance in the same VPC.

Things that don't work:

  • I can't get a ping reply when pinging from my premises to any of the
    AWS instances, including the one that receives my icmp ping.
  • I can't get a ping reply when pinging from my AWS instance to my premises.
  • I can't do a traceroute from my AWS instance to or
    any of the other private IPs in my premises. These traceroutes end up
    with timeouts, just asterisk all the way.
  • I can't do a traceroute
    from my premises to any of the AWS instances. These traceroutes end
    up with timeouts, just asterisk all the way.


Route Table for the subnet:

Destination        target        status    propagated        local         Active    No       igw-f06e2d95    Active    No   vgw-d1084e83    Active    No

Security group of AWS instances:

Type          Protocol    Port Range    Source
All ICMP      All          N/A


Type          Protocol    Port Range    Source
All Traffic      All          N/A
All Traffic      All          N/A

Network ACL inbound:

Rule#    Type            Protocol     Port Range        Source        Allow/Deny
100      All Traffic      ALL          ALL          ALLOW
200      All Traffic      ALL          ALL     ALLOW
*        All Traffic      ALL          ALL          DENY

Network ACL outbound

Rule#    Type            Protocol     Port Range        Source        Allow/Deny
100      All Traffic      ALL          ALL          ALLOW
200      All Traffic      ALL          ALL     ALLOW
\*        All Traffic      ALL          ALL          DENY

Trace path from my AWS instance to the IP on my premises shows:

tracepath ip-192-168-234-254.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal
 1?: \[LOCALHOST\]                                         pmtu 9001
 1:  ip-10-0-2-1.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal           0.082ms pmtu 1500
 1:  no reply
 2:  no reply
 3:  no reply
 4:  no reply
 5:  no reply
 6:  no reply

Other info:
My AWS instance is running Ubuntu 14.04

In short: Traffic from my premises does reach my VPC instance, but I can't get a ping reply or traceroutes in both directions, even though the security groups and network ACLs are set up properly and even though I can get ping replies from within my VPC.

Best Answer

It was actually the Static Route at the VPN Connections page - I had missed out the step to add a static route to route traffic of certain IPs through the VPN.

For example, if the subnet at your premises uses IPs

Add under 'IP Prefixes'.

Note that the IP Prefixes column only accepts CIDR blocks. You can add individual IPs by using a /32 CIDR block if you wish to be more restrictive.

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