Can’t SEND attachments on Exchange 2013 OUTGOING emails


I have a fairly new installation of Exchange 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2 on Hyper-V VM.
I cannot seem to send any attachments other than text on any outbound emails. When I try, the email arrives with a short text file in place of the attachment, that says:

The Attachment has been Removed.

I thought attachment management was only for incoming emails. If this is due to some new security feature in Exchange 2013, is there a place in Exchange where I can turn it off, or configure it appropriately?

NOTE: The attachments are generally .exes or .Zips, but I always add .remove or .txt at the end to eliminate the extension issue.

Best Answer

Check the file extension. For several versions, Outlook or Exchange (I forget which exactly) will always strip out certain files like EXE, VBS, PS, BAT, etc.

Try a TXT file and see if the same thing happens.

If that isn't it, check the Transport Rules.