Cas-protected site behind apache reverse proxy


My setup is:

  • Cas server (lets say url https://localhost:8443/cas-server/)

  • A cas-protected website hosted on a tomcat-server, running cas-client (lets say (https://localhost:4448/myApp)

  • A httpd apache2, with mod auth cas, and proxy_http, which is used as a reverse proxy. (http://localhost:80)

What I want to do, is to configure the reverse proxy to something like this:

<Location /proxyTest >
      ProxyPass https://localhost:4448/myApp
      ProxyPassReverse https://localhost:4448/myApp

And then be able to write


instead of


And this works well, I get redirected, I get the cas-ticket, I get authenticated etc.
The PROBLEM, is that the cas-login page url shows:


And after login, the url shown in my browser is:


So the redirection doesen't work properly…somewhere along the way, I get sent back to the non-proxied URL. Most likely by the cas-client.
How can I set up such a proxy to work properly, so that all of this is transparent once I got a valid ticket?

Is using tomcat's AJP involved? Or configuring and using the mysterious cas proxy callback stuff in the cas-client,that I never understood how to use? something else?

Best Answer

The ProxyPassReverse directive is what rewrites the URL returned by Apache on redirects, etc. See this question for a concise explanation.

I think what you are looking for is

<Location /proxyTest>
    ProxyPass https://localhost:4448/myApp
    ProxyPassReverse https://localhost/proxyTest

Here you are using http(s), so AJP is not involved. According to the docs, a ProxyPassReverse is not required for AJP, so you could have something like

<Location /proxyText>
    ProxyPass ajp://localhost:4448/myApp
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