Cassandra initial token in cassandra.yaml


I followed the following steps to migrate all the data from one cluster to a completely new cluster:

I managed to get all the data to the new cluster, the servers see each other, nodetool status reports all nodes as UN. However, I do have a question, in one of the paragraph the initial_token values are taken from the nodes and copied one on one to the new servers, and I had to add JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra.load_ring_state=false". I suppose the JVM_OPTS can be discarded now, but I'm not so sure about the initial_tokens?

My entire configuration is managed by Puppet, and I'm now unsure whether the initial_tokens are needed once the cluster has been populated and initialized? The manifests are very clean, and this would add unnecessary complications since the values of inital_tokens are unique to each node. I want to be sure, since this is my first time dealing with Cassandra.

Best Answer

It seems that once the cluster has been initialized, the initial_token value gets written somewhere inside the Cassandra structure. Even after restarting the entire new cluster without the initial_token directive, the cluster works fine and I get the exact same tokens with the same procedure I got them on the old cluster.

Looks like after things are stabilized, you can remove the initial_token from the cassandra.yaml file.

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