CentOS 5.5 – Debugging Remote Kickstart Installation Stalls


I'm having a difficult time with a remote CentOS 5.5 kickstart installation on an HP ProLiant DL360 G6. This is in an environment where I maintain an internal CentOS yum repository. The kickstart installation and post scripts have been tested and normally work. This hardware is also common in this environment, so I do not believe that it is a factor. Unfortunately, I'm having problems with a specific server install.

The system is remote to the yum repository at a distance of 500 miles. They are connected over a private 100-megabit layer 2 connection (26ms round-trip). I'm mounting the 10mb CentOS 5 netinstall ISO image via an HP ILO remote console. The initial boot parameters are:

linux ks=http://yum.abctrading.com/prop.cfg ksdevice=eth0 ip=x.x.x.x dns=x.x.x.x netmask= gateway=x.x.x.x

I'm using the url --url http://ks.abctrading.com/5.5/os/x86_64/ method of installation. This quickly boots into the anaconda installer, pulls the kickstart config and formats the drives. The process eventually halts at the screen below, reading "Starting install process.". Going to the other virtual consoles give the second image below. The process stalls at this point and cannot proceed with the rest of the installation. Running the same kickstart config locally works just fine. I've tried mounting the boot ISO from the console as well as from the ILO2 command line pointing to a locally-hosted boot ISO via http.

How can I debug this? Are there any options I've overlooked?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

Maybe it's caching RPMs on the remote server. Watch (tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log) the access_log on the http server to check for activity.