CentOS 6 Minimal or Hardened Install


I am working on building some new CentOs 6 servers and creating documentation for the installation of said servers. I would like to create a base CentOS 6 server install that would be light on the packages to reduce bloat by default. Additionally, I am looking for some common or industry practices in which to harden the server so that it can be used in production and online facing to the world. I am curious if there are any best practice guides, techniques, or steps that you use in performing such a task? Later, I would look at adding servers and sections to the documentation about using the server for web serving, database hosting, etc. For now, I am looking for a base server install.

Best Answer

The US National Security Agency (NSA) provides guides for hardening Linux and other operating systems which may be of some help. Since CentOS is so similar to RedHat, you may be intrested in: