CentOS 6 – php5-pam-auth


Where do I get an updated version of the PHP pam_auth module? Can't find it on yum and the latest version I can find to download is for PHP 4.3.

Best Answer

I was looking for the answer to this myself, and eventually wound up having to solve it myself. Since I'd found this question earlier in my searches, I figured I'd provide what worked for me :)

  1. Download the pam_auth source from http://svn.php.net/viewvc/pecl/pam/trunk/ (or for convenience I have zipped the latest files, current as of revision 324283, here)

  2. Change into the directory you've downloaded/unzipped/etc the files into, and run the following commands:

    • phpize
    • ./configure
    • make
    • make install
  3. Add extension=pam.so to your php.ini

  4. Restart Apache; use phpinfo() to ensure the PAM module is running.

When verifying via phpinfo(), there should be a section like so:


I successfully installed pam_auth on CentOS 5.6/Apache 2.2.3/PHP 5.3.10 using the above instructions; hopefully it will work just as well on CentOS 6. Good luck!