Centos 6 to Centos 7 cgroups


I'm trying to set up resource limits per user in Centos 7, but I can't find the right commands for the new implementation of cgroups (I did read the documentation but it talks about restricting services not users).

This are the steps in Centos 6

  1. Add to /etc/cgconfig.conf

    group mygroup{
    cpu {
    cpu.shares = 200;
    memory {
    memory.limit_in_bytes = 128m;

  2. Restart service cgconfig restart

  3. Start in system boot: chkconfig cgconfig on
  4. Verify groups added correctly: lscgroup
  5. Add the processes for which we wish to limit resources to the cgroups we created: add to /etc/cgrules.conf

    myuser cpu,memory mygroup/

  6. start the cgred service for the cgrules configuration changes to take effect: service cgred start

  7. make sure the cgred service is enabled to start on system boot so that our rules persist across reboots: chkconfig cgred on

What is the equivalent in Centos 7?

Best Answer

Please try for example

systemctl set-property user-1000.slice CPUShares=100

Assuming you wish to limit the resource for UID 1000 and limit the CPUShares.

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