Centos 7 Can’t yum install npm


I'm trying to get nodejs and npm installed on centos 7

So first I did
rpm -i http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/beta/7/x86_64/epel-release-7-0.2.noarch.rpm
to get the epel repository

Then I tried yum install nodejs. Which worked.
Then I tried yum install npm. Yum returns with "npm package not found"

Will I have to build npm manually? And how should I do that?

Best Answer

I just re-checked this. Both nodejs and npm and all dependencies for both have been added to epel 7. I just installed both on my CentOS 7 box. You should be able to do:

yum -y install nodejs npm

The -y flag will automatically answer "yes" to every confirmation question, so leave it out if you want to be able to say no to something.