CentOS 7 download and install php7.0-cli offline


I need to install php7.0-cli to the cerver which is not connected to the internet. For this purpose I try to download and install php7.0-cli from package from the following source:


but when I execute the following command:

 sudo rpm -Uvh /opt/lampp/htdocs/php70-php-cli-7.0.21-1.el7.remi.x86_64.rpm

it says:

error: Failed dependencies:
    php70-php-common(x86-64) = 7.0.21-1.el7.remi is needed by php70-php-cli-7.0.21-1.el7.remi.x86_64

so it requires so far:


which I also download and try to install. The problem is that




which in turn requires


and so forth. So the question is how to install php7.0-cli on CentOS machine which is not connected to the internet? Maybe there are some ready packages which already come with all the stuff needed for php7.0-cli easy offline installation? Do I need to manually download all packages which are required? Maybe there is a whole php package which can be downloaded and installed to the server offline?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Put all the files in a directory and install them at the same time with

yum install /path/php*rpm

so the dependency resolution can take into account everything you want to install at the same time.