Centos 7: Redis 3.2 not starting at boot


I installed redis 3.2 on a Centos 7 system based on this tutorial:

After that i exchanged the initScript with this from github:

Redis is not starting on boot.

I read a lot of topics regarding this issues but nothing is working for me. systemd is not starting redis-server on boot.
daemonize is set to "no", the redis.service file exists with Type=forking

If i start it with "/etc/init.d/redis start" or "service redis start" it is starting correctly with no errors.

Best Answer

You need to run systemctl enable redis_6379 to enable the redis service at boot. (The name of the service depends of course how you configured it. If you followed the linked tutorial it is redis_6379).

You might need to run systemctl daemon-reload to make systemd aware of the new unit file for the redis service before you can enable the service.

To start, stop, restart, disable the service you should use the systemd tool systemctl as well.

To start for example use:

systemctl start redis_6379